How long can public health organizations go on proving to us that they have no interest in truly promoting real health, or addressing the serious root causes of many of today’s diseases?
Not only are our public health organizations incompetent and frequently in bed financially with the very companies they are supposed to be regulating, but they are oblivious and uninterested in addressing the biggest health challenges facing us:
Here are 7 sobering statistics:
Chronic diseases cost the US over a trillion dollars a year (that’s trillion, not billion). Similar soaring costs are being reported across the western world. Over half of these disease costs are from preventable lifestyle factors
Due primarily to junk food addiction, the obesity rate in adults has tripled over the last five decades. Childhood obesity, already soaring prior to 2020, grew at an unprecedented rate over the last 2 years
The incidence of type 2 diabetes, the epitome of lifestyle-related disease, is exploding. 40 million US adults have this diagnosis; 10 million are undiagnosed, and research suggests almost half of all adults under 45 are insulin resistant or prediabetic
There was already a growing mental health catastrophe, but it’s become much worse recently. Over 20 percent of all adults experienced a mental illness in 2020. Rates of children going to Emergency Rooms with acute mental health crises, also shot up by over 30 percent
Alcohol consumption and other drug use have soared since 2020. The US reached the grim new milestone of more than 100,000 overdose deaths in 2021
Commercials for junk food, alcohol—and now even cannabis in many states—are blasted across our screens and billboards every day. The more unhealthy and hooked we are, the better for these companies. The fast food industry spends over $5 billion a year on advertising, including $5 million a day advertising to children
Only 1 in 5 people meet guidelines for minimum recommended physical activity every week
The above signal a true public health emergency.
Chronic disease and junk food may be a bonanza for the bottom line of Big Pharma companies and Big Food, but it’s not good for us. Consider this too: almost 50 percent of the FDA’s budget, $3 billion, comes from “industry user fees”—so essentially industries that “pay to play” with the main US regulatory agency.
What a scandalous situation! We cannot continue down this road of neglect. While there’s no magic solution, we have to at least try, and medical professionals and health organizations should be leading the way—not setting people up for a lifetime of medications and drugs. Our public health agencies aren’t in the business (pun intended) of wanting to promote well-being. This needs to change—literally for the sake of our health. Even if there’s no money to be made from healthy people.
For any of you who didn’t get my first Newsletter, please do subscribe to my two new YouTube channels below. Most of the (naughty) COVID stuff will still be on Locals, due to the rampant ongoing censorship of corrupt US Big Tech.
We’ll keep going!
Dr Suneel Dhand
Founder, Real Public Health US/UK
The truth rings clear, but because it makes so many people feel bad, it's unpopular.
It takes more than energy to become empowered, it is necessary to desire true self-awareness first and foremost. How do we increase the perceived value of healthiness in the individual?
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